November 24, 2010
District Four Supervisor Steve Worthley was reappointed Nov. 23 by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to serve an additional four-year term on the Commission on State Mandates.
The objective of the Commission on State Mandates is to fairly and impartially hear and determine if local agencies, including counties, cities, and school districts are entitled to reimbursement for increased costs mandated by the State.
Supervisor Worthley said he appreciates the opportunity to be just one of two members’ statewide representing local governments to be appointed by the governor to serve on the commission. Laguna Niguel City Councilmember Paul Glaab is the other official representing local government on the commission.
“I appreciate the opportunity to serve local government on this commission which deals with critical issues of finance and fairness,” Supervisor Worthley said.
Supervisor Worthley has served on the commission since 2005.
The Commission was created as a quasi-judicial body to determine the existence of unfunded state mandates and establish parameters and guidelines for reimbursement of claims. The Commission consists of the Director of Finance, the State Controller, the State Treasurer, the Director of the Office of Planning and Research, a public member with experience in public finance, and two additional members from the categories of city council member, county supervisor, or school district governing board member, appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate.