County Urges Residents to Use Alternative Parking Lots During Construction Project

July 13, 2011

Residents who need to use Tulare County services located in the Visalia Courthouse will not be able to use Parking Lot VI, located at the corner of Main Street and Woodland Drive, from mid-July to mid-September due to a construction project. 

Tulare County Capital Projects Manager Brian Summers said the Parking Lot VI construction project is slated to begin on Monday, July 18 and will end in mid-September barring construction delays. During the project, there are five alternative parking lots residents and employees may use. The alternative parking lots provide more than 600 spaces. 

- Alternative Parking Lot 1: This parking lot is located west of the Tulare County Human Resources & Development Office at 2900 W. Burrel Ave. in Visalia. This parking lot provides 207 spaces. Shuttle service from this site will be available for employees and residents from this site.

 - Alternative Parking Lot 2: County Lot located on the south west corner of Woodland Avenue and Main Street. This parking lot provides 27 spaces. 

 - Alternative Parking Lot 3: College of the Sequoias parking lots 6 and 9 located at Noble Avenue and Woodland St. These parking lots will be available for use until August 12 and provide an estimated 400 spaces.

 - Alternative Parking Lot 4: The Visalia Elks Lodge parking lot. 3100 W. Main St. in Visalia. This parking lot provides and estimated 100 spaces.

 - Alternative Parking Lot 5: Kmart Parking Lot. 3247 Noble Ave. Visalia. 60 spaces.

 Tulare County would like to express our gratitude to College of the Sequoias, the Visalia Elks Lodge, and Kmart for their support,” Summers said.

 Free transportation will be provided from Alternative Parking Lot 1 every 5 -10 minutes from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. throughout the day.  There will be four 15-passenger vans running during peak times and two 15-passenger vans during mid-day.  Shuttle stops will be located at the west end of the Visalia Courthouse on Sunset Drive and at Alternative Parking Lot 1. The commute times were established using the results of an online survey County employees and the general public took in June and early July. The free transportation schedule may be modified based on demand.

 “We would like to thank the employees and residents for their feedback in dealing with this challenging project,” Summers said. “The long-term benefits of this construction project will far outweigh the two month challenge this project presents.”

 Parking Lot VI currently supplies 312 parking spaces. The Parking Lot VI construction project costs $875,000 and will add 166 parking spaces for a total of 478 spaces.

 Notices regarding the parking lot project have been sent to County and State employees and Tulare County Office of Education employees. 

 Residents who are scheduled to report to jury duty and utilize two-hour parking will not be impacted.  Jury duty and two-hour parking are located just south of the courthouse. All current parking restrictions and enforcement will remain in effect.

 For more information, contact Brian Summers, 559/636-5005 or