Tulare County residents who want to get more involved in public policy can do so by filling vacancies on various boards, commissions, and special districts.
From agriculture and health care to air pollution and assessment appeals, there are 51 vacancies available on more than 20 boards, commissions, and special districts.
Tulare County Chief Clerk of the Board Michelle Baldwin said there are several vacancies that have been historically tough to fill due to the specific qualifications that certain positions require. The Clerk of the Board Office is charged with accepting and processing applications for appointment.
“All vacancies represent a great opportunity for people to get involved in public policy and their community,” Baldwin said. “However, some have been tougher to fill because of the expertise needed.”
Baldwin said a few of the more difficult positions to fill have been:
Assessment Appeals Board – District 4 Seat: This position has been vacant since 2011. The purpose of the appeals board is to determine the full value of property or to determine other matters of property tax assessment over which the appeals board has jurisdiction. In order to fill this position, a member must have a minimum of five years professional experience in the state as one of the following: certified public accountant or public accountant, licensed real estate broker, attorney, property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized professional organization, property appraiser certified by the Office of Real Estate Appraisers, or property appraiser certified by the State Board of Equalization.
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Citizens Advisory Committee – Environmental Seat: The Environmental position needs to be filled by somebody who represents an environmental interest group. Members of this committee provide input in the establishment, updating, and monitoring of the District’s Rule Development Procedures; provide early proactive review and input on current and new rules; question the effectiveness of the rules and whether or not they are working; provide input on District funding sources; generate ideas and develop those ideas into possible approaches to improve air quality and recommend these approaches to the District, and more.
Delta Vector Control District – Member At-Large: This position has been vacant for almost a year. This member exercises their independent judgment on behalf of the interests of the residents, property owners, and the public as a whole in furthering the purposes and intent of this chapter.
Baldwin said if residents want to get involved they can access application forms, view a full list of vacancies, descriptions of each board or commission, and duties the Clerk of the Board website.
If you do not have access to a computer, application for appointments can be obtained from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors located at the County Administration Building, 2800 W. Burrel, Visalia CA 93291-4582 or you can call (559) 636-5000 and request an application to be mailed to you.