District Five Supervisor, Mike Ennis, held his first annual Town Hall meeting in California Hot Springs at the Capineros Community Center on October 20th.
Supervisor invited various countywide agencies to join him in addressing the concerns of the California Hot Springs community and gathering feedback from residents on possible improvements to the mountain community.
Tulare County Sheriff's Office, Tulare County Fire Department, Resource Management Agency, Office of Emergency Services, Cal Fire and Southern California Edison were all present on the Town Hall meeting panel.
"I've hosted the Highway 190 meeting up in Camp Nelson for many years, and have seen the positive outcomes that Town Hall has brought to the community, and wanted to do the same in California Hot Springs area," commented Supervisor Ennis.
"We received constructive feedback and I look forward to doing this again next year and making it an annual event."
Roughly 50 people attended to voice their concerns and get their questions answered. The main topics of discussion were road maintenance and improvements; dead tree removal; fire prevention and suppression; and the community emergency evacuation plans.