On January 18, 2017, the State Water Resources Control Board authorized $1.21 million out of their Cleanup and Abatement Account for the Monson Emergency Water Supply Project. The authorization was the final piece necessary to complete the funding package for this project.
Tulare County, the Monson community, Self Help Enterprises, and other partners have worked for many years to bring a long-term solution to the area which has been plagued by individual wells with high levels of nitrate and, more recently, dry wells due to the catastrophic drought.
In 2015, the County secured $500,000 in USDA Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant and $400,000 from the California Department of Water Resources. The $2.11 million total in secured monies will be used to drill a new municipal supply well in Monson and construct the first phase of the water distribution system that will bring water to approximately 30 homes.
“This is great news for the residents of Monson who have endured water quality issues for years, even before recent drought impacts causing reduced groundwater supplies,” stated District Four Supervisor Steve Worthley who represents the communities of Monson and Sultana. “This long term solution will also benefit Sultana residents with additional water for their system.”
While the drought exacerbated the community's problem, it also provided unique financing opportunities from Federal and State agencies. Historically, communities comprised of individual wells have not been eligible for traditional water system grant programs, but in order to address private domestic well failures, innovative drought funding programs were developed.
Construction of the project is slated to start this spring and should be completed within six months. A second phase of the project is proposed to include additional water distribution infrastructure that will interlink to the nearby community of Sultana.
Tulare County, Self Help Enterprises, and the Monson-Sultana communities, along with additional monetary support from the State Water Board, are working on a governance consolidation for the both communities which will provide them with the ability to be self-governing.