Response and Planning

Response and Planning
Since my election last June and taking office in January, one truth of life has been highlighted… change happens! Change is inevitable and can be exciting, but it may also prove to be somewhat uncomfortable. Our very nature seeks a level of comfort and struggles to stay within that comfort zone.
When I made the decision to seek public office my life changed and when I assumed office it changed again. New colleagues, new co-workers, new friends, new responsibilities and new activities were introduced into my life almost overnight. This, of course is not unique to my situation…it is part of the human condition we all experience.
The County itself is also constantly changing, morphing and growing. We see economic cycles, changing demographics, and experience cultural shifts, go through business transformations and philosophical changes - just to name a few. The question we need to ask ourselves is; “What is my response to these changes going to be?” The challenge for us is to come up with positive responses to these changes and translate those responses into solid future planning for the County.
Here in Tulare County, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in our current staff and elected officials which we are always in the process of transferring to the next team. This developing team will have fresh opportunity and will also be addressing various issues which may not have been on the radar in our history. How do we effectively plan for these issues, these challenges and these new opportunities?
Genesis 41 relates the story of Joseph being called on by the Pharaoh of Egypt to help him with a recurring nightmare dealing with their economy over the upcoming 14 years. Joseph, using the God-given interpretation, laid out a plan to respond to the forecast and convinced Pharaoh to implement it. Not only did the implementation of Joseph’s plan save Egypt, it was so successful it became a blessing to the surrounding nations as well!
Although we may not have the 100% accurate forecast given to Joseph, we have some pretty good tools to predict trends in the County’s future. We can use this historic example in doing our best to gather data and make strategic plans to address the expected issues and opportunities while staying on the course that we determine. In doing so, we have an opportunity and the responsibility to benefit the people of Tulare County.
I am excited to be a part of this team selected by the people of the County to design and implement these plans. I pray that we will be a blessing and a benefit to all!